Modular Walls vs. Drywall: What To Choose for Your Office Renovation

With increased need for mobility, flexibility and frequent layout changes, workplace interiors are rapidly evolving from drywall to modular and moveable wall construction. Considering factors like reusability, environmental responsibility and sustainability among others, it only makes sense that growing businesses focus on the long term returns of modular walls rather than just the cheaper upfront costs of the traditional drywall construction.
We were quick to drop dated office technology - typewriters, fax machines, etc. but unfortunately, there was one thing that stuck around a tad longer - drywall construction. Fortunately, business owners are starting to realize that flexibility and mobility are the most crucial aspects of workplace design. So things are changing – modular walls are in and drywall construction is now on life support.
Drywall construction made sense in the pre-digital era because offices and office requirements were permanent. The fact that our parents went to the same workplace and worked out of the same work-desk for years, even decades, wasn’t unthinkable. It was a slow life, things changed slowly.
That’s definitely not the case today. Today, we want the ability to erect, take down and move walls easily to accommodate fluctuating staffing needs and to also create different workplace experiences. There’s no looking back, drywalls now only seem like the ‘antithesis of flexibility.’

When it comes to office renovations, here are 6 reasons we’re rooting for modular/moveable/ demountable walls against its conventional counterpart – drywall construction:
1. Flexibility
Modular walls adapt to your changing workplace needs in a way that drywall construction cannot even dream of. Changing staff needs, yearly business growth, quick and temporary display needs, even pandemic regulations - the digital work world moves and changes fast. It also needs its space to evolve and keep up with it.
Where drywalls would need complete breakdown and building from scratch, modular walls can simply be dismounted and reassembled to form a new office layout. No damage done to the existing structure, no touch up needed.
In fact, with DIY modular walls like our L-Shaped Partition Room Divider, you can get contractors and installation agents completely out of the picture! This means you're no longer dependent on anybody when you want quick changes at your workplace. The modular panels can be easily moved, reused and reconfigured, providing endless flexibility to suit your changing needs.

2. Reusability
Just try taking your drywalls with you when you move offices. There’s not a chance. Every time your space needs change and you’ve to move to a different workspace, you’re going to have to get drywalls constructed to fit your layout from scratch – again and again.
This is where modular walls can show off their USP – they can be packed and shipped off with your other office things and re-mounted to fit into your new office space! Modular walls are designed to be portable. Plus, they’re made of high-quality material that lasts for years.
3. Clean, easy and quick installation
Ever had the experience of getting drywall construction in your office space? It's a colossal mess - the fine gypsum dust gets everywhere, into electronic devices, carpets and what not. If you're already set up and need drywall changes, our prayers be with you. Imagine dealing with all the noise and dirt and the worst - inhaling those noxious clouds of dust! It can take weeks and the contractor’s mercy for the project to get completed.

Modular walls come with neat and clean installation. Just a few drill holes here, some screws there, that's all you need to reconfigure them.
Need a new office for a senior staff member overnight? Need an appointment room for your salon business but can’t afford to pay a contractor? You can build our modular DIY walls like this U-Shaped Partition Wall with Door within a couple of hours, and by yourself! No more dust, no debris, no noise - just quick, clean and easy DIY fun.

4. Long-term ROI
Contractors desperately use this to convince business owners to go with drywalls - the lower upfront costs. But they know it too that drywall construction comes with a number of hidden costs – running electrical and data cables, painting, cleaning, etc. which they’re going to later present to you in the form of a king-size bill. On the other hand, even though modular walls in some cases have a higher upfront cost, they have a very simple system of installation and with the contractor out of the picture, your expenses become automatically controlled.
Plus, when you add the cost of time – the extended periods over which your space becomes unusable, left at the contractor’s whims – expenses towards drywall construction can quickly creep up. Modular walls can be quickly installed by the maintenance crew (or even yourself, actually!)
But it’s not just about the upfront costs or cost of installation. Every time you move offices or need a new layout, you’ll need to demolish drywalls and construct them from scratch, all of which comes at a higher cost in the future. On the other hand, modular walls continue to provide dependable service with their flexibility and adaptability, therefore clearly a better investment in the long term.
5. Aesthetics
We’ve only spoken about the practical and monetary aspects of modular walls vs. drywall construction. What about the aesthetics? Can modular walls compete with the finished look of drywalls?
Yes, modular walls do look like ‘real walls’, even the DIY ones. For example, look at our Partition Room Divider - it has a smart, clean, sleek look, doesn’t it? You can use modular walls to enrich your office interiors and even make a bold statement about your work culture. Explore different designs, colors and even custom prints to fit your office theme and decor. Really, your imagination’s the limit here.
6. Environmental responsibility
In a world where climate change is a reality, drywall construction stands in the corner, blissfully ignorant. Drywall demolition creates heaps of waste that has no reusability – it lands straight in the landfill. As hyper-aware business owners who value sustainability, there’s no way we can’t consider this factor in our office design!

Modular walls can be reused to shape any space and the process is waste-free. Even after years of usage, when they start to wear down and it’s time to replace certain sections, most materials used in making them are recyclable. Isn’t that a relief to your environmental consciousness
After considering different factors in the changing workspace dynamics today, it’s quite clear that drywall construction doesn’t have a leg to stand on in front of modular walls. For companies that wish to compete in the global market, it only makes sense to value flexibility and sustainability in every aspect of their business order to maintain a competitive edge. When it comes to workspace design, modular/movable walls offer that edge.